


ceos_alos2.open_alos2(path, chunks=None, backend_options={})#

Open CEOS ALOS2 datasets

  • path (str) – Path or URL to the dataset.

  • chunks (int, dict, "auto" or None, optional) – If chunks is provided, it is used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks=-1 loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using engine preferred chunks if exposed by the backend, otherwise with a single chunk for all arrays. chunks='auto' will use dask auto chunking taking into account the engine preferred chunks. See dask chunking for more details.

  • backend_options (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments passed on to the low-level open function:

    • ‘storage_options’: Additional arguments for fsspec.get_mapper

    • ‘use_cache’: Make use of image cache files, if they exist. Default: True

    • ‘create_cache’: Create a local cache file after reading the image metadata. Default: False

    • ‘records_per_chunk’: The image metadata is stored line by line. In order to avoid sending potentially thousands of requests, read this many lines at once. Default: 1024


tree – The newly created datatree.

Return type:
